For the longest time I kept hearing that it took 21 days to make a habit. Unfortunately that seems to be somewhat of a myth. Many researchers now believe that it will take someone an average of 66 days to form a new habit.
Creating new habits take a lot of work and dedication. One tool that can help you develop your new desired habits is a daily habit tracker. I initially created this free printable daily habit tracker to help me keep track of the progress I was making towards my goals. And today, I wanted to share them with you too!
What types of habits could you use the habit tracker for?
The easy answer is, any activity that you would like yourself to eventually do automatically on a daily basis!
When you think of forming a new habit, “drinking 8 glasses of water a day,” or “exercising for 30 minutes each day” probably comes to mind.
While these are excellent goals (that are definitely on my habit list as well), I encourage you to think outside the box a bit. Try and think of something that always makes you feel better, but you don’t always make the time to do it.
For me, it could be something as simple as making sure there are no dishes in the sink, and the counters are wiped down before I go to bed. It may seem like a silly habit to want to form, but for me, walking downstairs to a clean kitchen really sets my day off on the right foot.
The daily habit tracker printable includes boxes on the left hand side for you to write up to 15 habits. There are 31 columns for you to check off or fill in, as you complete your desired tasks each day.
Underneath the habit column are blank day boxes. Here, you can write in M,T,W,T,F,S,S depending on which day you start on.
Writing down your goals make you so much more likely to achieve them. Get started on your goals with this free printable habit tracker.