If you’re looking for a fun way to spruce up your upcoming Halloween party, these free printable Halloween soda bottle labels are just what you need!

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Supplies needed:
- Soda bottle labels (the download link is located at the bottom of this post)
- Scissors
- Tape
- 2 Liter Soda Bottles
- White printer paper or cardstock

Free Printable Halloween Soda Bottle Labels
Each label is sized to print on an 8.5×11 inch piece of paper. Each label when trimmed will measure 5.5 x 8 inches. Simply cut out the labels and then tape them on the soda bottles. Keep in mind these are designed to not fit around the entire bottle. This way, your party guests can turn the bottle around and see what they are drinking!



Matching Free Printable Halloween Candy Bar Wrappers:
These free printable Halloween candy bar wrappers are the perfect way to dress up your candy bars this Halloween. Available in both large and small candy bar sizes, you’ll definitely want to print these out today!
Not serving soda at your party?
How about jazzing up your water bottles with these free printable Halloween water bottle labels.
Favorite Printable Supplies:
These are a few of my favorite supplies that I use for printable games and activities:
- White Cardstock: For most projects, I recommend printing onto cardstock. It is much more durable than standard printer paper and often produces a higher quality print.
- Crayons: A staple in any crafting household. Crayola is always the top notch choice!
- Kid Friendly Safety Scissors: These are perfect for little kids learning how to use scissors. They cut paper but not fingers or hair!
- Glue Sticks: These disappearing purple glue sticks are by far my favorite! I love buying them in bulk since we use them so often!
- Lamination Machine: Laminating printables are a great way to make them last longer. If you are planning on laminating to make games reusable, be sure to get a bunch of dry erase markers as well.
- Dry Erase Pockets: Dry erase pockets are a great alternative to using a lamination machine when wanting to make printable games and activities reusable.
- Printer: A high quality printer is always recommended for the best results. If you are in need of a printer this Brother Wireless Printer is a great choice.
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Elizabeth Matthiesen
Sunday 3rd of November 2019
These are fantastic, thanks for sharing with us :-)
Terry Poage
Tuesday 29th of October 2019
These are so cute. What a great idea.
Tuesday 29th of October 2019
Thank you!
Yesenia Aguilar
Friday 25th of October 2019
How fun is this great idea for the children Thank you 😊
Saturday 26th of October 2019
Thanks for stopping by! :)