This free printable You’ve Been Booed Bag Topper is perfect for spreading some spooky holiday cheer this Halloween season. Whether it is the beginning of October or nearing the end, this treat can be put together quickly and easily making it great for last minute fun!

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My kids have always been very interested in the “You’ve been booed” Halloween tradition. However, this year is the first we decided to participate in it. It is a fun activity that spreads some unexpected happiness to family, friends and neighbors.
What is the You’ve Been Booed Tradition?
Traditionally, you will create a bucket or bag or some fun Halloween treats. This could include candy, toys, crafts etc. You’ll leave the treat bucket anonymously at a friend or family members door along with a note. If you are interested in learning more, you can check out my post: Free Printable You’ve Been Booed Signs.
Typically, part of the tradition is that once you have been booed you need to pass it on and “boo” other people as well. While this is a fun and thoughtful tradition, I wanted to create a version that didn’t necessarily encourage others to continue “booing.”
What makes this version different?
Whether it’s lack of time or money or energy sometimes it is nice to have someone leave you a treat without the expectation of returning it!
Personally, this year as I am writing this we are just about a week out until Halloween. While my kids wanted to “boo” some of their friends, I didn’t want them to feel obligated to rush and put together boo bags as well.
The poem I’ve created for this version is slightly different. It reads:
You’ve been booed, oh what a delight.
A spooky surprise to bring you some fright!
Who sent this treat? That’s part of the fun.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Not only is this great for carrying on the you’ve been booed tradition, but it could also make a great party favor or classroom surprise.
While I do love the idea of spreading the Halloween spirit and “booing” people after you’ve been “booed,” I wanted to create an alternate option where “booing” was not an obligation. Sometimes it’s just nice to send friends and family a sweet surprise!
Materials needed:
- Free printable bag toppers (the download link is located at the bottom of this post)
- Various Halloween themed toys and treats
- White printer paper or cardstock
- Sandwich size ziploc bag (about 6.5×5.5 inches)
- Stapler
- Pen

How to assemble the bags:
First, print out the bag toppers. The free download link can be found at the bottom of this post. Two bag toppers will print per page and each will fit the size of a standard ziploc sandwich bag. This is approximately 6.5×5.5 inches.
Next, cut out the bag toppers and fold them in half. Fill a ziploc bag with any treats you’d like. Candy, toys, pencils, or anything else you can think of!
Next, close the bag, place the bag topper on top and staple both sides shut.
After writing your friends name on the front, sneakily leave it at their front door. They will be surprised to find some treats from a mystery person and it’ll surely bring some Halloween spirit!
Favorite Printable Supplies:
These are a few of my favorite supplies that I use for printable games and activities:
- White Cardstock: For most projects, I recommend printing onto cardstock. It is much more durable than standard printer paper and often produces a higher quality print.
- Crayons: A staple in any crafting household. Crayola is always the top notch choice!
- Kid Friendly Safety Scissors: These are perfect for little kids learning how to use scissors. They cut paper but not fingers or hair!
- Glue Sticks: These disappearing purple glue sticks are by far my favorite! I love buying them in bulk since we use them so often!
- Lamination Machine: Laminating printables are a great way to make them last longer. If you are planning on laminating to make games reusable, be sure to get a bunch of dry erase markers as well.
- Dry Erase Pockets: Dry erase pockets are a great alternative to using a lamination machine when wanting to make printable games and activities reusable.
- Printer: A high quality printer is always recommended for the best results. If you are in need of a printer this Brother Wireless Printer is a great choice.

Free Printable You’ve Been Booed Bag Topper
These bag toppers were designed to be printed onto a standard piece of 8.5×11 inch white printer paper or cardstock. Two bag toppers will print per page.
Please feel free to download and print as many copies of the bag toppers as you would like. However, please do not edit or redistribute the files in any way. This printable was created for personal or classroo use only.

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