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Free Printable Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe

These free printable Valentine’s Day tic tac toe games would make the perfect little treat to hand out to your child’s friends and classmates this year. As much as we all love candy, sometimes you’re looking for a candy free alternative to hand out this Valentine’s day and this tic tac toe game is just perfect for that!

When I was a kid, I remember one of the best parts about going out to a restaurant was the little placemats and crayons they put out on the table. No matter what other activity they had on the placemats, my brothers and I would also fill up any white space with as many tic tac toe games as we could. 

Tic tac toe was always so much fun to play because the games went fast and we could play multiple rounds before our food was served. I still have no idea if there are any special strategies or proven ways to win, but still to this day I have a lot of fun playing the game.

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Today I wanted to share with you this free printable Valentine’s Day tic tac toe game. They make great little favors or holiday parties, or for your kids to hand out to their friends and classmates at school.

And with all of the supplies most likely already in your house, these valentines can be put together at the very last minute.

How do you play tic tac toe?

The game board consists of a 3×3 grid. The first player will place an “X” (or in this case a red or pink heart) in any space on the board.

Next, the second player will place an “O” in another space on the board.

The goal is to have three “X’s” or “O’s” in a row. They can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

The first player to have three across, wins!

The great thing about the Valentine’s Day tic tac toe game is that you can play multiple times without having to keep drawing more game boards.

free printable valentines tic tac toe

Supplies Needed:

  • Printable game board and bag topper files (Download link is available at the bottom of this post)
  • White cardstock
  • 4×6 inch plastic bags
  • Stapler and staples
  • Scissors or a paper cutter
valentines day tic tac toe supplies

How to Assemble:

First, print out the game boards, game pieces and bag toppers. Cut everything apart using scissors or a paper cutter. This is the paper cutter that I currently have on my desk and can definitely recommend it as it gets a ton of use!

Next, fold the bag toppers in half and set aside.

Place the tic tac toe game board and game pieces inside the plastic bag.

Finally, fill out the “ to and from” section on the bag of the bag topper and then place it on top of the bag and staple on both ends to hold it in place.

free printable valentines day game
playing valentines day tic tac toe

Check out some of our other free printable Valentines for kids:

All of these valentine’s below are totally free to download and print today! From dinosaurs to race cars, unicorns to donuts, I’m sure that you’ll be able to find something that you and your kids will love putting together for your friends and family this Valentine’s Day.

Dinosaur Valentines for Kids – Free Printable

Donut Valentines – Free Printable Valentines for Kids

Coloring Page Valentines for Kids – Free Printable

Free Printable Race Car Valentines

Free Printable Pencil Topper Valentines – You’re The Write Friend For Me

Fruit Puns Valentines – Free Printable Valentines

Free Printable Candy Bar Wrappers for Valentines Day

Free Printable Unicorn Valentines for Kids

Free Printable Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe

The Valentine’s Day tic tac toe games and bag toppers are designed to print on a standard 8.5×11 inch piece of paper or cardstock. For the very best quality, I would highly recommend printing on white cardstock.

Once trimmed, the game boards will measure approximately 3×4 inches and the bag toppers will measure 4.25×1.25 unfolded.

Feel free to download and print as many copies of the Valentine’s Day tic tac toe games as you would like. However, please do not edit or redistribute the files in any way. The valentines are for personal or classroom use only.

free printable valentines day tic tac toe

Download Links:

Click here to download the free printable Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe Game and bag topper files.