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Free Printable Freezer Inventory Tracker

This free printable freezer inventory tracker is a great way to make sure that your freezer is organized and you know what is in there at all times!

freezer inventory printable pinterest

Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. This means that at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you decide to make a purchase.

I don’t know about you, but I have only very recently learned the beauty that is freezing food! I have always been the type of person to go to the grocery store basically every day of the week.

I never thought about what meals I was planning for each day, or took a good look at what I already had in my kitchen. I was more of the fly by the seat of your pants type when it came to cooking.

This year, however, has been crazy. (And if you’re reading this post in the future, I sure hope things are back to somewhat normal by now!) When stores began running out of food, it became imperative that I start learning how plan my meals better and stock up on the staples.

Whenever I saw the opportunity I would stock up (within reason of course) on chicken, beef, frozen vegetables, frozen fruit… basically anything that could fit in my freezer. I learned how to properly defrost food and began to really plan my family’s meals around what we already had.

However, a new problem I found was that I didn’t exactly know what was in my freezer. At one time I had purchased a bunch of frozen broccoli, just to come home and see that I had seven microwavable bags of broccoli already in the freezer.

And that is where a freezer inventory tracker can come in. With spaces to write down the date, item, expiration date and quantity, you’ll easily be able to keep track of all the items in your freezer.

printable freezer inventory

Download link is located at the bottom of this post.

Free Printable Freezer Inventory Tracker

This freezer inventory tracker is designed to fit onto a standard 8.5×11 inch piece of paper or cardstock. There are spaces to write down the date, item name, expiration date and the quantity of items that are available.

You can place an X through however many circles you have items, and then after you use something, you can fill in the circle completely. It’s a great way to keep track of what you have stored in the freezer.

Alternatively, you could also make the freezer inventory tracker reusable by laminating it! Keep reading to find out how.

Feel free to download and print as many copies of the pantry inventory tracker as you would like. However, please do not edit or redistribute the files in any way. This tracker is intended for personal use only.

How to make the freezer inventory tracker reusable:

Instead of printing out a new freezer inventory tracker every time you fill one up, you can easily make the page reusable.

If you have a home lamination machine, you can run the page through the machine and then use a dry erase marker to write down all of the items that you currently have available in your freezer. After you have used an item, you can wipe off an X in the quantity section.

This is the lamination machine that I actually have in my home office and I really love it! I am definitely guilty of laminating everything that I can! You can view the lamination machine on Amazon here.

And if you don’t have access to a lamination machine, you could pick up some of these really cool dry erase pockets. All you have to do is put the freezer tracker inside the pocket and use a dry erase marker to fill out the freezer inventory sheet. Once you have used an item, or purchased a new one, you could easily add or remove and X from the quantity section.

For both of the lamination options above, I would highly recommend printing the tracker out on white cardstock. Cardstock is more durable and would hold up better if being used over and over again.

freezer inventory

Download link is located at the bottom of this post.

If you enjoyed this freezer inventory tracker, you might like to take a look at some of our other free kitchen organization printable.

Free Printable Pantry Inventory Tracker
This free printable pantry inventory tracker can help you keep track of what you have in your pantry, what you have used and what you need to buy on your next shopping trip. Click here to read the full blog post and download the free files.

Free Printable Grocery List
These free printable recipe cards are a great way to keep your kitchen organized and keep better track of all of your family’s favorite meals. Instead of writing down lists of ingredients on scraps of paper, napkins or just keeping them in your memory, take some time to write them down on these cards and persevere your favorite recipes for years to come. View the full blog post and download the recipe card files here.

Free Printable Recipe Cards
This free printable grocery list is a great way to organize your weekly or bi weekly shopping trip. It’s great for hanging up on a bulletin board, on the refrigerator or simply have out on the kitchen counter. With sections for fruits, vegetables, dairy, frozen foods, spices, drinks and more, you will never forget an item on your shopping trip again! Click here to read the full blog post and download the files here.

Freezer Inventory Tracker Download Link:

Click here to download the free printable file.


Thursday 28th of May 2020

Do you by chance have a refridgerator one as well?


Friday 29th of May 2020

Hi Natalie, Yes I do! This is the link:


Friday 24th of April 2020

Oh what a great idea, I am going to print that, when I´m back home :) Have a great day!


Friday 24th of April 2020

Thanks so much! You too!

Deborah Kos

Tuesday 21st of April 2020

Your freezer inventory tracker is great for this period of uncertainty. When you keep track of what is in your freezer, then you know what needs to be used first so you don't waste your money especially now when people are having trouble finding certain food items in the stores.

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