This free printable pencil gift card holder is the perfect way to give teachers a well deserved gift card for all their hard work.

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For this years holiday gift, I wanted to give my kids’ teachers gift cards. However, I wanted to come up with a more creative way to present the gift cards to them.
Most gift cards you can buy with a small envelope type covering but I wanted to do something a bit more fun and interesting.
So I decided to create this free printable pencil gift card holder and I am excited to be sharing it with you all today.
It is super easy to print and put together and adds a really special touch to a gift that I’m sure teachers will greatly appreciate.

Supplies needed:
- White cardstock
- Scissors
- Xacto knife
- Gift card
- Tape
- Free printable design (the download link is located at the bottom of this post)
How to assemble the gift card holder:
The first thing you are going to do is print out the design onto white cardstock. It is important to use cardstock as opposed to standard printer paper because cardstock is much thicker and will be able to securely hold the gift card in place.
Cut out the pencil gift card holder along the dotted lines. Next, use an Xacto knife to cut the small slits that will hold the card in place.
Fold the pencil in half and then place the gift card into the slots.
Next, you can write a short message in the black space inside the gift card holder. Aftwewards, close the pencil, fold the bottom flap over and use a small piece of tape to secure in place.
What types of gift cards would teachers like to receive?
Now, I am not a teacher myself but from what I hear these are a few gift card options that teachers would enjoy receiving:
- A craft store (Michaels, AC Moore etc.)
- Amazon
- Target
- Starbucks
- Dunkin Donuts
- Prepaid Visa
Free Printable Pencil Gift Card Holder
This gift card holder is designed to be printed onto a standard 8.5×11 inch piece of white cardstock. Two gift card holders will print per page.
Each holder is designed to hold a standard sized gift card which typically measures approximate 3.375 x 2.125 inches.
Feel free to download and print as many copies of the pencil gift card holder as you need. However, please do not edit, redistribute, sell or claim the files as your own. These files are intended to be used for personal use only.

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