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Easter Scavenger Hunt for Kids – Free Printable Game

Make finding their Easter baskets even more fun by having the kids complete this fun Easter scavenger hunt first.

This fun free printable scavenger hunt features eight clues that will lead you to find your special Easter treat!

free printable easter scavenger hunt pinterest

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This scavenger hunt features eight easy clues to solve that leads kids around the house to find an Easter surprise.

I made sure to keep all of the clues indoors so that regardless of the weather, everyone can still have fun hunting for all the clues.

Free printable Easter Scavenger Hunt

This scavenger hunt is designed to print onto a 8.5×11 inch piece of paper. Eight clue cards will print per page.

Feel free to download and print as many copies of the scavenger hunt as you would like. However, please do not edit or redistribute the files in any way.

This scavenger hunt was created for personal or classroom use only.

The Easter scavenger hunt clues and answers are as follows:

Clue: This scavenger hunt will lead you to a special Easter treat. Your first clue can be found in something you wear on your feet.
Answer: Inside a shoe

Clue: Coloring Easter eggs is so much fun, your next clue can be found in the room where cooking is done.
Answer: The kitchen

Clue: Delicious carrots are orange and green. Your next clue can be found in the room where you keep clean.
Answer: The bathroom

Clue: Here is another clue, you’re doing great. Check the place where you sleep when it’s getting late.
Answer: On top of a bed

Clue: What your next clue? Here’s where to look? Open up a page in your favorite book.
Answer: Inside of a book

Clue: Bunnies love to hop hop hop. For your next clue, find a garbage can and look on top.
Answer: On top of a garbage can.

Clue: Carrots are a healthy snack, now go to the front door and check on the back
Answer: On the back of the front door

Clue: Chocolate bunnies are so yummy to eat, check in a closet for your special Easter treat.
Answer: Inside of a closet

easter scavenger hunt

Favorite Printable Supplies:

These are a few of my favorite supplies that I use for printable games and activities:

  • White Cardstock: For most projects, I recommend printing onto cardstock. It is much more durable than standard printer paper and often produces a higher quality print.
  • Crayons: A staple in any crafting household. Crayola is always the top notch choice!
  • Kid Friendly Safety Scissors: These are perfect for little kids learning how to use scissors. They cut paper but not fingers or hair!
  • Glue Sticks: These disappearing purple glue sticks are by far my favorite! I love buying them in bulk since we use them so often!
  • Lamination Machine: Laminating printables are a great way to make them last longer. If you are planning on laminating to make games reusable, be sure to get a bunch of dry erase markers as well.
  • Dry Erase Pockets: Dry erase pockets are a great alternative to using a lamination machine when wanting to make printable games and activities reusable.
  • Printer: A high quality printer is always recommended for the best results. If you are in need of a printer this Brother Wireless Printer is a great choice.
free printable easter scavenger hunt

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